

Invogue Media S.R.L. cu sediul social pe strada Valea Ursoii, nr 78, camera 7, Com. Valea Calugareasca, judet Prahova, avand cod unic de inregistrare 39149661 si nr. de ordine in registrul comertului j29/716/05.04.2018 administrata de Cosmin Andrei Gheorghe si reprezentata online prin intermediul paginii web, se supune si respecta toate legile in vigoare din Romania privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal. Folosirea acestui site implica acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor de mai jos, recomandam citirea cu atentie a acestora.Invogue Media S.R.L. isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica sau de a intrerupe, temporar sau permanent, partial sau chiar in totalitate serviciile prezentate prin intermediul site-ului, cu sau fara o notificare prealabila. Nu suntem raspunzatori legal fata de nici o persoana fizica sau juridica pentru suspendarea sau intreruperea serviciilor disponibile prin intermediul site-ului web Informam pe aceasta cale ca putem schimba structura, continutul, serviciile oferite si conditiile de folosire ale site-ului in orice moment. Noile conditii devin valabile din momentul in care au fost facute publice si nu au caracter retroactiv.Invogue Media S.R.L. face toate eforturile pentru a asigura buna functionare a site-ului web si incerca sa corecteze erorile si omisiunile cat mai repede posibil.Dreptul de autorToate fotografiile si textele de pe acest site apartin Invogue Media S.R.L. si sunt protejate de legea 8/1996 privind drepturile de autor si conexe, publicarea sau folosirea lor se face numai cu acordul proprietarului.Va rugam sa raportati orice incalcare a acestor termeni si conditii folosind adresa de mail sau folosind formularul de contact.


Participarea la turele foto/cursuri


Invogue Media SRL se angajeaza sa presteze servicii de consultanță fotografică si/sau workshop-uri de fotografie turistice de calitate catre participanti, denumiti in continuare beneficiari. Toate serviciile oferite sunt supuse dispozitiilor ce se regasesc mai jos si in contractul de prestari servicii ce se va incheia intre prestator si beneficiar.

Acceptarea acestor conditii se face implicit de catre beneficiar odata cu completarea formularului de inscriere si plata integrală.


Inscrierea participantilor:

Dupa completarea formularului veti primi o instiintare prin care vi se va confirma ca sunteti in evidenta noastra.


Modalitate de plata:

Plata se face doar prin transfer bancar in contul firmei noastre.

Inscrierea este considerata ca fiind valabila numai in momentul in care veti achita suma integrala.


Anularea/reprogramarea participarii:

Anularea participarii la una din turele noastre se poate face numai in scris la adresa:


Conditii de sanatate:

Prin completarea formularului de inscriere si plata depozitului, participantii certifica faptul ca nu sufera de boli psihice sau alte dizabilitati care ar putea crea un risc pentru ei sau ceilalti participanti. Ne rezervam dreptul de a cere o adeverinta medicala care sa dovedeasca buna stare de sanatate. Odata ce inscrierea a fost realizata, circumstantele medicale vor fi considerate exceptii de la aplicarea politicilor de anulare, numai daca se va prezenta un certificat medical relevant care sa ateste imposibilitatea de a participa. In acest caz ne rezervam dreptul ca in functie de data anularii sa returnam un anume cuantum din costul expeditiei.

Turele fotografice fiind ture cu deplasare in zone muntoase sau cu clima specifica, se impune semnarea declaratiilor pe proprie raspundere pe care beneficiarul le va primi pe adresa de e-mail.



Asigurarea medicala si de accidente este obligatorie pentru toti participantii la expeditie. Ulterior inscrierii, toti participantii vor primi informatii suplimentare legate de riscurile ce trebuie acoperite prin asigurare. 






Invogue Media S.R.L., with its registered office at Valea Ursoii Street, No. 78, Room 7, Valea Călugărească Commune, Prahova County, having a unique registration code 39149661 and registration number in the trade register J29/716/05.04.2018, administered by Cosmin Andrei Gheorghe and represented online through the website, complies with and respects all current Romanian laws regarding the protection of personal data. The use of this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below; we recommend reading them carefully. Invogue Media S.R.L. reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, partially or completely, the services presented through the website, with or without prior notice. We are not legally liable to any individual or legal entity for the suspension or interruption of services available through the website We hereby inform you that we may change the structure, content, services offered, and the terms of use of the site at any time. The new conditions become effective as soon as they are made public and do not have a retroactive effect. Invogue Media S.R.L. makes every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the website and tries to correct errors and omissions as quickly as possible.


All photos and texts on this site belong to Invogue Media S.R.L. and are protected by Law 8/1996 on copyright and related rights. Their publication or use is only permitted with the owner's consent. Please report any violations of these terms and conditions using the email address or the contact form.

Participation in Photo Tours/Courses

Invogue Media S.R.L. is committed to providing quality photographic consultancy services and/or tourist photography workshops to participants, hereinafter referred to as beneficiaries. All offered services are subject to the provisions found below and in the service contract that will be concluded between the provider and the beneficiary.

Acceptance of these conditions is implicit by the beneficiary upon completing the registration form and making full payment.

Participant Registration:

After completing the form, you will receive a notification confirming that you are registered in our records.

Payment Method:

Payment is made only by bank transfer to our company's account. Registration is considered valid only when the full amount is paid.

Cancellation/Rescheduling of Participation:

Cancellation of participation in one of our tours can only be done in writing to the address:

Health Conditions:

By completing the registration form and paying the deposit, participants certify that they do not suffer from mental illnesses or other disabilities that could pose a risk to themselves or other participants. We reserve the right to request a medical certificate proving good health. Once registration has been completed, medical circumstances will be considered exceptions to the cancellation policies, only if a relevant medical certificate is presented proving the inability to participate. In this case, we reserve the right to return a certain amount of the expedition cost depending on the date of cancellation.

As the photo tours involve travel in mountainous areas or specific climates, signing declarations of personal responsibility, which the beneficiary will receive via email, is mandatory.


Medical and accident insurance is mandatory for all participants in the expedition. After registration, all participants will receive additional information about the risks that must be covered by insurance.