

Informatii generale


Invogue Media S.R.L. cu sediul social pe strada Valea Ursoii, nr 78, camera 7, Com. Valea Calugareasca, judet Prahova, avand cod unic de inregistrare 39149661 si nr. de ordine in registrul comertului j29/716/05.04.2018 administrata de Cosmin Andrei Gheorghe si reprezentata online prin intermediul paginii web , se supune si respecta toate legile in vigoare din Romania privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal si se angajeaza sa protejeze si sa nu instraineze in nici un fel catre terti datele dumneavoastra personale pe care ni le dezvaluiti online folosind formularul de contact, comentarii, prin intermediul retelelor sociale sau telefonic.

Confidentialitatea datelor Dvs cu caracter personal ramane una din preocuparile principale ale Invogue Media  S.R.L. si prin prezenta pagina va informam cu privire la prelucrarea acestor date in contextul utilizarii site-ului


GDPR. Suntem aliniati cu regulamentul 2016/679/UE privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si conform GDPR, avem obligatia de a administra in conditii de siguranta si in scopurile precis mentionate datele dumneavoastra personale pe care ni le furnizati folosind site-ul nostru. Nu sunteti obligati sa ne furnizati datele personale, insa refuzand nu veti putea utiliza formularele de contact de pe site, nu veti putea lasa comentarii, nu veti putea cere oferte de pret sau informatii, pe scurt nu vom putea tine legatura. Număr de înregistrare la Autoritatea Națională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal: 18766

Categoriile de date cu caracter personal prelucrate


Datele dumneavoastra sunt folosite strict pentru a va putea contacta si trimite oferta serviciilor noastre. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavoastra personale.


Contact via email


Daca ati ales sa ne trimiteti un mesaj direct catre adresa noastra de mail, ne dati in mod direct consimtamantul de a va raspunde ori de cate ori va fi necesar. In urma contactului vom colecta adresa de mail si alte date personale pe care le-ati oferit voluntar in mesaj. Aceste date raman stocate la noi, le vom folosi doar pentru a va putea raspunde sau contacta. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavoastra personale si puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail


Formularul de contact sau comanda produse/servicii


In urma folosirii formularului de contact sau comanda produse/servicii sunt colectate urmatoarele date: nume si prenume, adresa, telefon si adresa de mail. Aceste date raman stocate la noi, le vom folosi doar pentru a va putea contacta si oferi serviciile noastre. Nu oferim altor terti datele Dvs personale, puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail

Terțe părți implicate în obținerea datelor personale


  • Alte părți implicate în obținerea datelor personale vor fi atât companiile de curierat sau transport, sau orice alte persoane implicate în livrarea bunurilor achiziționate, cât și părțile implicate în realizarea cu succes a plăților aferente contractului de cumpărare.

Informatiile inregistrate sunt destinate utilizarii de catre Invogue Media S.R.L. si sunt comunicate urmatorilor destinatari:

  • firmelor de curierat

  • societati bancare

  • autoritati publice (numai in cazul in care acestea o cer pentru derularea unui act administrativ sau de justitie).


Contact telefonic

In urma folosirii contactului telefonic catre numarul nostru de telefon 0732038594, ne dati in mod direct consimtamantul de a va raspunde sau contacta telefonic ori de cate ori va fi necesar. Numarul dumneavoastra de telefon nu va ramane stocat la noi decat daca veti deveni client si il vom folosi doar pentru a va putea contacta. Nu vom oferi altor terti numarul dumneavoastra de telefon in scopul de marketing. Puteti solicita stergerea numarului de telefon printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail sau telefonic.


Formularul de comentarii pe blog


In cadrul blogului, in articole aveti posibilitatea adaugarii de comentarii. In acest caz va sunt solicitate urmatoarele date: nume, adresa de mail si adresa website-ului personal daca exista. Aceste date raman stocate la noi, nu le vom folosi pentru a va contacta sau trimite oferte. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavostra personale, puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail Daca la un moment dat va retrageti consimtamantul pentru prelucrarea datelor in scop de marketing pe blog, vom inceta prelucrarea datelor dumneavostra cu caracter personal in acest scop, fara insa a afecta comentariile exprimate de catre dumneavoastra inainte de retragerea acestuia, considerand ca actiunea dumneavoastra la vremea respectiva a fost voluntara.




In urma folosirii formularului de contact sau comanda produse/servicii de pe site sunt colectate urmatoarele date: nume si adresa de mail in scopul de a va tine la curent cu noile oferte. Aceste date raman stocate la noi, le vom folosi pentru a va a trimite oferta serviciilor noastre. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavoastra personale, puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail In cazul in care nu mai doriti sa primiti mesaje newsletter, aveti posibilitatea de dezabonare direct din mesajul mail primit.


Analiza si statistici trafic


Site-ul foloseste Google Analytics pentru a analiza modul in care vizitatorii folosesc site-ul si pentru a obtine statistici cu scopul imbunatatirii performantelor pe viitor. Din motive strict analitice, este posibila colectarea datelelor dumneavoastra in mod automat, cum ar fi durata si ora vizitei, locul, paginile vizitate, sistemul de operare folosit si adresa IP. Responsabilitatea colectarii datelor revenind direct Google Inc.


Retelele sociale


Daca ne contactati prin intermediul unei retele sociale cum ar fi facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter, va vom raspunde dar nu vom salva datele dumneavoastra de contact decat daca deveniti clientul nostru. Aici, includem toate conturile sociale create pana in prezent si pe care le vom crea in viitor. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavoastra personale, puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail, specificand cu exactitate profilul si de pe ce retea de socializare ne-ati contactat.


Durata pentru care va prelucram datele


Nu oferim un termen, datele dumneavoastra raman stocate la noi si le vom folosi doar pentru a va putea raspunde, contacta si pentru a trimite oferta serviciilor noastre. Nu oferim altor terti datele dumneavoastra personale. Puteti solicita stergerea lor printr-o simpla cerere la adresa de mail

Pentru mai multe informatii sau solutionarea de litigii va rugam sa ne contactati pe adresa sau folosind formularul de contact.






General Information

Invogue Media S.R.L., with its registered office at Valea Ursoii Street, No. 78, Room 7, Valea Călugărească, Prahova County, having a unique registration code 39149661 and registration number in the trade register J29/716/05.04.2018, administered by Cosmin Andrei Gheorghe and represented online through the website, complies with and respects all current laws in Romania regarding the protection of personal data and is committed to protecting and not disclosing in any way to third parties your personal data that you reveal to us online using the contact form, comments, through social networks, or by phone.

The confidentiality of your personal data remains one of the main concerns of Invogue Media S.R.L. and through this page, we inform you about the processing of these data in the context of using the site

GDPR: We are aligned with Regulation 2016/679/EU on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and, according to GDPR, we have the obligation to manage safely and for the specified purposes the personal data you provide using our site. You are not obliged to provide us with your personal data, but refusing to do so will prevent you from using the contact forms on the site, leaving comments, requesting price quotes, or information. In short, we will not be able to stay in touch. Registration number with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing: 18766.

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Your data is used strictly to be able to contact you and send you our service offer. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties.

Contact via Email

If you have chosen to send us a direct message to our email address, you are directly giving us consent to respond whenever necessary. Following contact, we will collect the email address and other personal data you voluntarily provided in the message. These data remain stored with us, and we will use them only to be able to respond or contact you. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties, and you can request their deletion with a simple request to

Contact Form or Order Products/Services

When using the contact form or ordering products/services, the following data are collected: name and surname, address, phone number, and email address. These data remain stored with us, and we will use them only to be able to contact you and offer our services. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties, and you can request their deletion with a simple request to

Third Parties Involved in Obtaining Personal Data

Other parties involved in obtaining personal data will include courier or transport companies, or any other persons involved in the delivery of purchased goods, as well as parties involved in successfully processing payments related to the purchase contract.

The recorded information is intended for use by Invogue Media S.R.L. and is communicated to the following recipients:

  • Courier companies

  • Banking companies

  • Public authorities (only if they request it for the execution of an administrative or judicial act).

Phone Contact

When using phone contact at our phone number 0732038594, you are directly giving us consent to respond or contact you by phone whenever necessary. Your phone number will not remain stored with us unless you become our client, and we will use it only to be able to contact you. We will not provide your phone number to other third parties for marketing purposes. You can request the deletion of the phone number with a simple request to or by phone.

Comment Form on the Blog

On the blog, within articles, you have the possibility to add comments. In this case, the following data are requested: name, email address, and personal website address if it exists. These data remain stored with us; we will not use them to contact you or send offers. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties, and you can request their deletion with a simple request to If at any point you withdraw your consent for data processing for marketing purposes on the blog, we will cease processing your personal data for this purpose, without affecting the comments you made before the withdrawal, considering that your action at that time was voluntary.


When using the contact form or ordering products/services from the site, the following data are collected: name and email address to keep you updated with new offers. These data remain stored with us, and we will use them to send you the service offers. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties, and you can request their deletion with a simple request to If you no longer wish to receive newsletter messages, you have the option to unsubscribe directly from the received email message.

Traffic Analysis and Statistics

The website uses Google Analytics to analyze how visitors use the site and to obtain statistics to improve future performance. For strictly analytical reasons, your data may be automatically collected, such as visit duration and time, location, visited pages, operating system used, and IP address. The responsibility for data collection lies directly with Google Inc.

Social Networks

If you contact us through a social network such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, we will respond but will not save your contact details unless you become our client. This includes all social accounts created so far and those we will create in the future. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties, and you can request their deletion with a simple request to, specifying exactly the profile and the social network you contacted us from.

Duration of Data Processing

We do not specify a term; your data remains stored with us, and we will use it only to be able to respond, contact you, and send our service offers. We do not provide your personal data to other third parties. You can request their deletion with a simple request to

For more information or to resolve disputes, please contact us at or use the contact form.